Grant Supporting Arts-Focused Youth Development, Community Capacity Building, and Addressing Societal Challenges in Washington, DC, NYC, Boston, and Los Angeles

For grants supporting arts-focused youth development, community capacity building, and addressing societal challenges in Washington, DC, New York City, Boston, and Los Angeles, consider the following opportunities:

Washington, DC

  • The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH): Offers various grants to support arts education, community-based projects, and capacity building for arts organizations. They fund programs that address social issues through the arts.
  • The Washington Post Charities: Provides grants to nonprofit organizations in Washington, DC, focusing on arts and youth development.

New York City

  • The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA): Offers grants to support arts education and community arts initiatives. They have funding opportunities for projects that build community capacity and address social challenges.
  • The Wolfensohn Family Foundation: Funds arts and youth development programs, with a focus on addressing societal issues and enhancing community well-being.


  • The Boston Foundation: Provides grants for arts-focused youth programs, community capacity building, and initiatives that tackle societal challenges. Their funding aims to strengthen Boston’s communities through arts and culture.
  • The Barr Foundation: Supports arts and culture projects in Boston that promote youth development and address broader social issues.

Los Angeles

  • The Los Angeles County Arts Commission: Offers grants for arts education and community-building projects. Their funding supports initiatives that engage youth and address societal challenges.
  • The Annenberg Foundation: Provides grants to support arts and culture, youth development, and projects that address community needs in Los Angeles.

Each of these organizations has specific application processes and deadlines, so be sure to review their websites for detailed information on eligibility and grant requirements.